March 4, 2010

"Winter Morning On The Carson River" 5x7 Oil



  1. Been a few weeks since I last visited your blog. You have some really marvelous work going on.
    Had an interesting e-mail yesterday from Leslie Ervin who I met through bloging and she is kind enough to follow what I am doing. She said she ran across me in your blog from a comment. As she said it is a small world. We got to comparing notes a little and she put me onto her blog on the Lodge where she grew up and where you have been and paint a lot. I too worked through my teen years at a lodge[camp]similar and today am very much involved at a Retreat Center/Lodge in an idyllic stting here in Dubois. Just wanted to mention that to you.
    I was on the Board of Directors at the Ranch and was president for 7 years and still do quick-draws to this day up there for evening entertainment. I really enjoy it and it is such a wonderful place to paint.

  2. Thanks Gary. It is a small world and I'm glad to hear you are following Leslie's blog. For me, she and her family are synonymous with Rock Creek lodge.There's lots of history there for many people. It seems to be a place that many folks have a strong connection to. All the better for good painting as well and it sounds like this is something you can relate to. I would enjoy hearing more about your Ranch the Quick Draws. Take care and thanks again. -Joe
