June 2, 2017

"Path Of Light" 16x12 pastel and Getting Enough Sleep

2200. Sold

A couple of weeks ago. I participated in The Carmel Art Festival. This was my fifth year participating in this plein air juried event. The weather was pretty amazing as it was sunny the entire time. After checking in on Wednesday evening, I met my good friend and talented watercolorist Rolf Lygren at Sobranes Point to paint for a couple of hours. When we arrived, it was of course beautiful. There was no shortage of opportunity for making something happen, so we both found our spots and proceeded to paint. Immediately I began wrestling with the composition feeling I had bitten off more than I could manage. I found it very difficult to concentrate and remain focused and the more I pressed on, the worse I was feeling. Blocking in my painting seemed to be impossible. "What was wrong?" I couldn't see values and my drawing was off. After an hour or so of this battle I decided to change things up. Why not? I could do that. I then wiped off my board and began to work on a different scene. I needed to pick something simple and proceeded on my next attempt. This ended up being another battle. I struggled to draw the shapes to block in. After a couple of attempts I stepped back and realized something else was interfering. I was exhausted. That was all it was. The night before arriving in Carmel was at best six hours of sleep, followed by a six and a half hour drive but I have made this drive before and painted afterwards with no problems. I never before realized and was able to identify the importance of sleep as much a this. Sure it happened before but not like this. That evening I was in bed pretty early and I got a good solid night sleep.
The following morning I was firing on all cylinders. I was alert and ready to paint and I felt good. The painting above was my first painting of the day created at Point Lobos. After about two hours of working on this piece, I shifted my attention to the left and painted another scene in about an hour and a half. I was tired after this but it was different now. I knew that I just needed a break and lunch and I would be good to go in the afternoon. Everything went well that day and I owe it all to getting a good night sleep.

"Path Of Light" received three awards. "Best Pastel," "People's Choice" award and "Artist's Choice" Award." I am thrilled and honored. On to the next painting.

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